The nutritional values of foods are not displayed for the uniform 100g weight, but for a standard portion of each food. The size of the portion is indicated.
These nutritional values are compared to your daily nutritional needs. To estimate your nutritional needs, you have to enter personal data, such as your age or your weight.
Is it possible to avoid visits to physicians just by consulting Food Nutrients
Of course not! Browsing Food Nutrients is not supposed to help you replace visits to doctors or nutritionists.
Food Nutrients is aimed at people rather in good shape. It helps them learn about foods according to their nutritional needs. For instance, in order to select the right foods to get more Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin C or Proteins; or less Saturated Fats or Salt.
For a given food, the nutritional value for each nutrient may have been measured separately from other nutrients measures, with different scientific protocols, by different labs, and with slightly different foods.
For instance, Iron is better assimilated by the human body when taken at the same time as Vitamin C, and Proteins from vegetables sources must be combined in order to get fully assimilated.
Food Nutrients can neither take into account all these aspects nor associate meaningful computations to them. You must take into account all these aspects by yourself.
Generally speaking, can one trust nutritional data?
Reading the other answers in this site, you may have noticed that nutrition is rather a "fuzzy" science:
depending on labs, nutritional values of foods vary
depending on countries, nutritional needs vary
depending on the trends, one must drink a lot of water, or just when one is thirsty
Can we then reject all these nutritional data?
Let's say that Food Nutrients is a rule of thumb about what you should eat, and that too much importance should not be given to small details.
Use this website to select foods according to your needs and your tastes, then double check the nutritional data with other websites, with friends or with a physician.